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New Blog Post 10/23/2024

Writer's picture: Dorothy BruceDorothy Bruce

Originally Wrote a year ago 

It’s been a minute since my last post/upload. 

Just a few things I wanted to address. First, if you haven’t read the other articles/posts please take a minute and go read those. It will help with the context of this blog post. Second I want to make this clear for the people in the back. 

I TELL THE TRUTH and HAVE THE PROOF.  Whoa does that sort of rhyme? eh…

Back in August 2023 after the sale of his house, Mr. Rush tried to file a motion in court (backhandedly I might add) piggybacking on the divorce decree with my daughter. He tried to use the clause in it (if that’s what it is called, I don't know I am not an attorney) that basically said neither party will have any interaction with the other or their families. His actual motion states (in his words) “That there would be no harassment by either side including no harassment/stalking from either family or third party” 

My daughter wanted this put into the decree for “Very Specific” reasons. i.e. Temporary PPO comes to mind, and that would end as soon as the divorce was final. He may not want you to know about that. But I have the document to prove there was one issued. 

~~I just want to interject something here for record as regards to no communication from either party or their families. I have documentation and proof that members of his family and friends have tried to harass me on facebook and use scare tactics. To scare me into closing the page and website. One even left a phone number. *Friends/Enablers: In the Narcissistic world, they are called Flying Monkeys.

  • Flying monkeys are people who are used by a narcissist to carry out their bidding and do their dirty work for them. ...

  • In the context of narcissistic gang stalking, flying monkeys can be used to amplify the effects of the stalking by spreading rumors, lies, and misinformation about the targeted individual. (in this instance myself and/or family)

Further NONE of our family members have ever tried nor would ever try to contact him or his family. We have never stalked nor would we ever stalk him or his family. We have not nor would we ever harass him or his family. I have not defamed his character nor am I bullying him or his family. (As his motion goes on to state).  I have only stated facts, told the truth and have proof. 

  • Defamation of character is defined as a false statement of fact that causes the victim some type of harm.

“The Circuit Court for the Third Judicial Circuit of Madison County Illinois, received an ex parte communication from the respondent (Mr. Rush) and was not in the form of a pleading and did not bear any proof that it was served on the other party or counsel as required by Illinois code of civil procedure. It was stricken and removed from the court file.” Further it said that “Dorothy Bruce (I, myself) is not a party to this proceeding” (i.e. their divorce case). It went on to say “ Pleadings are further dismissed as the court does not have jurisdiction over her (meaning me) in this matter.” The court was duty bound to send us a copy.

I have the copy of the court filing. I saw everything that he lied about and that he put in it. How he twisted things. All because he wants this website and my facebook page taken down. He doesn’t want the truth out there. 

Again for the record:

I am NOT nor have I EVER harassed, stalked or bullied Mr. Rush or his family. We want NOTHING to do with them whatsoever. 


This Website and the Facebook page are both personal blogs set to give information. While the website is mostly about one subject keep in mind they both are meant to spread awareness and dispel misinformation and shine light on the truth. 

I have added information about Narcissists and posts about narcissists on the Facebook page because that page seems to reach more people. Of course I also still have posts about the truth of what has happened, what he has done and things he likes to gloss over. I have reposted TikToks from other creators that  “I DON'T KNOW '', that have to do with narc’s and their behaviors. I have shared many posts from Elizabeth Shaw from England (which everyone that has had to deal with a Narcissist ought to check out) who is very knowledgeable about Narcissistic behaviors. 

One seems to think because I use hashtags on those posts that it in some way is MY creativity of making those TT’s specifically geared to the subject. Yet it is only to draw people to the page or get the name of the page out there. Anyone with any common knowledge about hashtags knows that’s why they are attached to any post or article etc. Hashtags don’t send an article or post to certain pages or certain people. 

  • A hashtag—written with a # symbol—is used to index keywords or topics on sites. This function was created on X, and allows people to easily follow topics they are interested in.

  • A hashtag is a metadata tag that is prefaced by the hash symbol, #. On social media, hashtags are used on microblogging and photo-sharing services such as Twitter or Tumblr as a form of user-generated tagging that enables cross-referencing of content by topic or theme

Also, I do want to set another thing straight here. 

Which might come as a shock to the subject, Yet known by everyone around me. My life doesn't revolve around knowing the subjects' ins and outs. I don’t give a rat's ass what this subject is up to. I don’t care if he is living back with his momma or living with his daddy in another state. I don’t care if he is staying in a one room shack (or Van) down by the river. It’s water off a duck's back whether or not he is trying to write/publish a book based on/off his so called born again jailhouse religion. ( *See note at bottom)

What I DO care about is that the WOMEN that he gets involved with, KNOW exactly WHAT he is, WHO he PRETENDS to be, before they invest themselves into a life that has proven to be HELL for his ex wives. (in my opinion of course, but please feel free to read between the lines). To Let them know what he doesn’t tell them. The REAL person behind the mask/facade he paints of himself. That’s why this website/fb page exists and the only reason they exist. 

He claims that his testimony is that he was Reformed (born again) in the prison sector, finding Jesus behind bars, the Jailhouse Jesus syndrome and he changed his ways.

~Jailhouse Jesus- is the colloquial term for an observed psychological phenomenon of new inmates to 'find religion' during their incarceration. Whether it comes from a genuine desire to "repent", an appeal to authority, or other factors is a subject for debate.


In his Motion he states, “ I do not hide my past conviction, I share my testimony with various churches including veterans that I have ministered to while serving as a chaplain at the (I will omit name of place here) hospital in (omitting area).” 

The thing is, he leaves out the details. And he paints himself in the picture of a good guy, “That bettered himself”. He skims the surface of what he actually did to make it look not so bad in the eyes of his audience 

He doesn’t tell you that He is a habitual liar. He doesn’t tell you about all the people that he deceived and took from in order to gain money, goods or recognition. He doesn’t say how he took money away from the bona fide disabled vets that have fought and served our country and paid the ultimate price. 

He doesn’t say how he manipulated and bilked the Social Security Administration and the Veterans Association and its Hospitals out of money and unnecessary use of tests and equipment that could have gone to and used for deserving Veterans. 

He doesn’t go on to say how he was able to obtain a handicapped vehicle from Ford Motor company only to then later go and try to sue Ford Motor Company for millions of dollars (after having a child while claiming he was impotent because of the crash),  I guess he still wasn’t satisfied with the 100’s of thousands of dollars that he already acquired from lying and scheming SSI. 

To be born again one normally changes their ways ie: in Faith, actions, outlook, life style, old Character flaws, morals,  in every way changed right?. They become a new version shedding the old version. Not to repeat the old ways, right?.

This isn’t what he has done. He is still the same habitual liar and has the same Moral deficit to this day, as the day that the ADA and Judge from his trial said he did back in 2010. 

The ADA and the Judge knew what and who he was. Heck, they only knew of him for how long? From discovery and trial. Maybe a year. They weren’t personally involved with him or his family. They weren’t privy to his personal life or slept in the same bed as him. (not that I have , but I know a few of the women that have).They were not in the mix of being in his day-to-day life or just living in the same house as him. Yet they knew him.

He has claimed in the motion “The people who have known me for years including the various pastors who have known me for years know who I am and know that I am not the person Dorothy Bruce paints me to be”. 

Excuse me, they may know the person he portrays himself to be in public. Not the real person he is when at home behind closed doors. I know THAT person. The Ex women (and their families) in his life (maybe even his own family if they were being honest) know THAT person. In my humble opinion that is. 

How long do you really need to personally be involved with someone to know who and what they are? To discover the truth about someone. (**see added side note below)

Another thing he writes about in the Motion was “Even the place where Dorothy Bruce received my previous conviction case from years ago states that the records can be used for personal use though cannot be republished which is what Dorothy Bruce has done.” 

Where have I published any of his court documents that I obtained? i.e. searched, bought and paid for. The only thing that I have shown on this website was an email that was entered into evidence at his trial from him to Ben Stein. Furthermore IT IS ALL PUBLIC RECORD, ANYONE CAN OBTAIN THESE RECORDS/DOCUMENTS. 

Any way for what it’s worth I can continue to live rent free in his brain for as long as he wants me to. I on the other hand will continue living my life as I have been. lol  NOT giving him a second thought. I will continue to throw out a post or two here and there with hashtags to keep the pages in play so potential women will have the truth and take it from there. You can only lead a horse to water, you can’t make them drink.

I can only hope and pray that one day he truly gets help and comes to terms with himself. I hope that he will seek professional help with someone that is qualified/certified and is not a so-called friend or familiar pastor. I believe it will be only then he may get some legitimate help. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. People like him don’t change. They just want more.

To the New Requests to be subscribers:

 I’m sorry I can’t vet/verify who you are with what little information that is given in the request. Once you become a subscriber you will be able to have access to other member information. So that being said, you can always check back into the site as frequently as you like to see if anything new has been added. If you would still like to become a subscriber, you can always message the page with more information so I can prove who you are. That way I can keep everyone safe and not put the other subscribers in jeopardy.

To anyone looking for information:

On his whereabouts. What he has been up to. Who he has been engaging with. Where he’s working now. I have no clue. I don’t search for information. I don’t know where he is living at this moment. I don’t know where he is working at this moment. I don’t know of any new associates he is courting at the moment. I don’t know of any women he has on the hook at the moment. He can be two sheets to the wind. Yet make NO MISTAKE, he is still on the prowl looking for the next conquest/wife material (if he hasn’t already acquired her by now). So be aware of what you’re signing up for.~~js

AT THE MOMENT: meaning, The information trickles in from the most surprising people and places. Remember, I am not STALKING this person. The information comes to ME. I don’t go looking for it. Well all except his CRIMINAL records. I did obtain those.

Thank you and be blessed everyone.


 P.S. I wrote this about a year ago. Just now posting. That’s how much I care about HIS ongoing life. Stay tuned though. I have a couple more things I’m gonna post soon. 

 *disclaimer here, I have no idea what he is writing (other than it having to do with religion) nor do I care. He is OBSESSED with a certain author so I would assume it would fall in line with their books. So that he would be recognized as an equal to that author, I mean it’s not a secret that he is trying to go through that same Author’s publisher.

**Adding a side Note here:

He states in his motion that I don’t know him, that I only met him a few times. I might have only seen him in person a few times but I have known him for what? Two-three years and of that time we had conversation back and forth over the phone and facetime. My daughter was married to him and lived with him. I have talked to people that have known him for almost 20+ years. I think I can say I know a Lot about him and WHAT/WHO he really is.

You see I KNOW  THE TRUTH. He KNOWS, I KNOW THE TRUTH. All the women in his past KNOW the truth. That’s why he wants these sites taken down. I am not slandering him, I am not telling lies. Everything I have said in all my posts or blogs is the truth and I can back it all up.

The crap/lies that were spewed in his motion in August 2023 is amazing and to think that all the flying monkeys friends and family will believe it all. Smh mind-blowing. Is what it is.

***Anything typed “in bold quotations” was Quoted from the Motion itself.


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